

Sunday, 1 March 2015

I realise it has been a while since I have updated this. I didn't even manage to finish off posting my New York posts. However, since then I have been on two mini trips. One of these is Berlin. Which I literally have just returned home from.
This trip was a little out of the blue, if you have read any of my past posts, one in particular actually you will have noticed one of my LONG LIST of resolutions was to a visit a new place every month. For the month of February, this was Berlin. I have never stepped foot in Germany despite it being an hours plane ride away. Blame the fact I have asian parents who don't understand the idea of travel and foreign languages, wishing instead to stick to their asian countries and familiar faces instead.

I chose to travel to Berlin alone for various reasons.
1. Timing, people don't have enough time to go and do stupid stuff like travel with me!
2. Travelling alone is freedom, as a people pleaser I will try to please my companion. Without a companion I only have myself to satisfy.
3. I'm no longer a bloody child, I can do things myself, I enjoy my own company and it helps me reflect on my thoughts, feelings and current state.
Anyways, the first thing I did was attempt to find my way to the U, having not done my research I didn't realise I needed to actually get into Berlin City until I find the U's. Luckily for me, I used my EU telephone plan to use 3G to search for an actual way to get to my hotel and the city. The train system at first seemed quite intimidating, the locations were not clearly signposted, however I did manage to find myself getting to Zoological Gartens! What I found, buy a 48 or 72 hour welcome card and it offers you travel in A B and C zones, basically all the major zones and then some. Platform 6 will take you to Zoological Gartens, which leads you to the U and any major destination you were possibly looking for.

Unsurprisingly I did end up at the zoo, for a total of 4 hours, it is HUMONGOUS. The architecture of the buildings for all the little and big animals are incredible too. Definitely one of the best zoo's I have been too, the weather also helped, sunshine makes any place better! Along the way I made a few animal friends.
From the zoo I made my way to my hotel in Wittenberg-platz, opposite the major department store Kadewe. Definitely a place for the elite of Berlin, cavier and beautiful shoes, bags, clothes and humans. The so called "buffet" was kind of strange, I guess it was an array of food, but no sign of eat as much as you like, just a place to pick your own food. 12 euros on a plate of food.. that was cold.. not a foodie's dream, but I did persuade myself to spend another 6 euros on a plate of strawberries and cream for dessert.

After several hours eating and looking at the MASSIVE department store, I took to my hotel and got ready for bed and a new day. I made my way to Zoological Garten to meet with the tour group "Insider Tours" with an awesome tour guide Barnaby, who happens to have attended the same University as me, set up the open mic nights in the infamous East Slope bar, and studied politics for several years there. He was enthusiastic, friendly and you could tell was incredibly in love with city. His knowledge of the political and historical past is extraordinary and he puts funny twists on his story telling. You'll have to go to find out just how hilarious and informative it is!

Taking us on the "Famous Tour" we were directed to well known locations, such as Museum Island, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, Hitler's bunker, War Memorial for the Jewish Community. All in all it was productive.

After me and my new made friend Peter made our way to the outskirts of the city and had a large plate of kebab. Very German, I know. After stuffing our faces, I believe we were both likely to end up in a food coma so we parted ways. Unbeknownst to either of us, I would end up in Kadewe again, looking to have a break by myself, have a beer or a glass of wine. I ended up attempting to order in German, and ended up with a bottle of Rose. I attempted to finish a 0.2l glass, and guess what... I was already slightly tipsy. I enlisted the help of my new friend Peter, who I thoroughly appreciate for drinking at least 0.5l of it and not wasting my 15 euros!

By now, it was almost 8pm and I really wanted my bed, so again I said my final farewell to Peter, who is currently exploring the rest of Europe. And that kind of ends my adventures in Berlin, aside from the boring chilling in my hotel room, doing work I have been avoiding, breakfast and travelling home the following morning.

I didn't think I would like Berlin as much as I did, but actually being in the city makes the history come alive for me, and it made it pretty awesome.