
Conflicting Personality

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

As mentioned in a previous blog post, I have a very conflicting personality. This was kind of reaffirmed to me today after having a little supervision from my volunteer manager. Just a little quiz to show you what kind of person you are, I came out with the results of being orange and gold, which are conflicting personality types. One being spontaneous, vivacious and fun, and the other being more centred, organised and timely.
I'm not sure that having a conflicting personality is either a good or bad thing. I can think of a few times where my mind constantly flips from the orange and gold side.
For example in love and personal relationships (physical), I find myself sometimes thinking like the orange and telling myself, let's just do it, do what you what, you're an adult, a free adult that should be able to have fun and just enjoy yourself, and fall for that person, let your feelings out. Then I will have the conflicting gold personality coming out questioning my actions, and so those orange actions never come to light. Simple things of this sort.
Then there are other times where the orange will be most dominant. The purchase of possessions, the purchase of plane tickets, the decisions to go on holiday when I have a ton of work to do, the decision to go to a completely unknown country. The orange personality will be so overpowering I will just do it. I say yes, and then it isn't until the time comes that my gold personality will reflect and realise I may have made a huge mistake. It is in times like this where I can learn to overcome the things I fear, learn my strengths and weaknesses, and learn what things I am not ready for. There are downsides to the overpowering orange personality type, it normally means impulse, impulse means a loss of a fair amount of money, fair amount of time, and sometimes doing things for others rather than myself.
Workwise, the gold can be very helpful, it can help me become focused and work, but then the orange will creep back up on me and decide another task looks more exciting. Therefore putting more on my plate, and gold personality types hate too much on their plate. See the conflicting issues here?

There are a lot of personality tests out there, and if you just so happen to have some time, maybe give it a go. It really gives an insight into yourself, and possibly help with your personal life as well as work. The one we used is a colour based one, but I am sure there are plenty.
So maybe learn a little about yourself today just as I did :)

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