Finding Motivation
It's the 8th week into the 1st term of the 3rd year at University. I know a lot of people are at this same stage in life. I also know there are several people also lacking motivation just like me.
You somehow start off term so excited, so eager, so ready.
For me it was early mornings, library sessions everyday and reading everyday. That turned into several times a week to hardly a few days a week. It's difficult to keep yourself motivated when there aren't any formal deadlines. I am living proof.
There are however a few things I do to stay motivated.
1. Write down goals.
A lot of people say this, but genuinely I think it helps. A daily reminder of your goal (maybe it's writing an essay, doing exercise or drinking more water). When you write down these goals there is no way for you to avoid thinking about it.
Write it down where you can see it, post it note, notebook, phone notes, phone background.
2. Getting out of Bed
I find if you get out of bed early enough in the morning it just motivates and sets the tone for the day. The earlier you are awake, the less other people are, the less distractions there are. Especially in a student household. Wake up anytime before 10am, you're guaranteed to have the house to yourself and silence (if that is what you like). And yes getting out of bed is the hardest part, your alarm rings at 7am and you feel groggy and can't even seem to open your eyes. But once you roll out of bed and into the bathroom, you're instantly energised. I've recently been reading a book called "Find Your Happiness" and it is about a journey of a woman who took a few steps over a year to change her perceptions and actions to find her happiness. One of her goals was "act how you want to feel", so if you want to feel energised, get up and about, and you're almost, I say almost, guaranteed to be more energised.
3. Talk to People Who Motivate You
It's easy in a University environment to find people who can motivate you. Most people will have an end goal in sight, most probably a job. We are also all hoping to gain qualifications from this, and it is hugely motivating to find people going through the same thing as you. To talk about your goals, to talk about what you are doing on your journey. If your University friends aren't motivating, your home friends, your parents, your cousins. There is somebody. Maybe even those people who have supposedly "reached" their goals, talk to them, it is bound to make you feel more motivated.
4. Reading Blogs/Books About Motivation
I love reading things to do with anything, motivation, happiness, academic studies. It is my way of procrastinating when I'm not reading my formal work. There are lots of places to find motivational words if you don't wish to fork out on a book. BLOGS mostly, wherever you look there is motivation everywhere. Daily there is bound to be an established blogger writing about how they've been motivated, what they look for for motivation, and how they continue to be motivated. Give them a read. Places like Elite Daily and Thought Catalog are also great places for motivation for millennial's, and everything in between.
5. Dream
Those few seconds for me before bed before I past out, I dream about my goals, and that mostly gives me motivation for the morning to roll out of bed. It almost always dictates my dreams durning my sleep too and makes it that little bit easier to get up.
I always find solace in a motivational quote too, and they are everywhere online.
So if you're a student, or anybody lacking in motivation right now, give these little things a try. If they don't help, don't do anything drastic to me please. Enjoy and hopefully it helps!
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