

Sunday, 16 November 2014

It has been said a million times before and we are always striving for something more, we always want something somebody else has, and we forgot what we have once made us happy, and can still continue to make us happy. I try to be happy all the time, even if I am a little stressed or feeling a little alone, or feeling a tad upset I just try to hide it, because it will burden other people. I know a burden shared is a burden halved, but at the end of the day you have still passed it on. And I truly believe I don't have that much missing from my life.
Sure there are things that get me a little down, like my appearance, or sometimes I'm not with somebody who I can be with 24/7 or console to, and sometimes whether I am doing good enough in my work, or whether my family are okay back at home, or my sisters are happy. But with all of these things I can ALWAYS find the positive side. 
I've told some of my friends this where positivity and happiness is something you think about, and I think they kind of shrug it off, as if just changing the way you think and your outlook won't help them at all. When it has been proven to do so, so many times before. Most of the times we just need to be thankful for what we do have, the people, the possessions and our ability to reflect on all this. 
I have a major case of FOMO (fear of missing out), or I used to anyways, but it still lurks within me. And I think it is always because I don't want to miss out on anything, and I don't even know why. It is during stages of fomo where I dip in and out of positivity and I find myself being negative and weary of my decisions, and it sucks, because I shouldn't have to compare myself to what everybody else is doing or experiencing. If I want to do it, and if I believe it will be fun or enriching I should go and do out, but it has turned into things like weekly clubbing, and that sucks that I compare myself in terms of what I am doing, where I am going with my friends, and how often.
And the quote above just highlights exactly what I want to tell myself everyday. It presents my pessimistic side, and yet always finding the positive.
I hope for everybody that this is the case eventually.

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