

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Today I thought I'd write a post about being grateful. One of the things I always try to remind myself of is to remember to be happy and in order to do this you have to realise what you have and don't have. I spend days where I am down and when others are down reminding myself of what I have. Even if I don't feel like I should say the obvious, such as a roof over my head, food to eat, friends and family and money to spend. Those are things that we take the most easily for granted. Obviously I could include superficial things like, I have an iPhone or I bought new shoes, but I think being 'grateful' for these things makes us a little unhappier, because it focuses our attention on the happiness being associated with superficial items. So here are 5 things I am grateful for in my life at the moment.
1. My crazily big family
There is always somebody to make me laugh, make me smile, talk to me, kick me up the butt if I am being a little bit of a dick. Somebody to encourage me if I feel discouraged. People to support me if I ever need any help. People to cook me dinner and pick up after me (when I am being a lazy little child). 
2. My free and alone time
It means I can do whatever I want, it means I can develop myself, improve myself and work towards goals I am aiming for. I am grateful that I have so much free time, when there are people out there who can't, even people younger than me who have less freedom and time than me.
3. The internet
Verging on superficial but it just amazes me that we have so much at our fingertips. It is exciting and I am so grateful that I am able to live in this age where development is so rapid, and I can have all these resources and do what I want with it. Meet people from across the world, stay connected with people across the world.
4. Old friends and new
I simply would go mad if I didn't have my friends, my need to speak and be heard can be tiering sometimes. I am grateful there is always somebody to make me laugh, share food with me, give me an unwanted cuddle, ask me how my day is, and update me on theirs. It's nice to hear what has been good about other people's day, it makes me grateful that the people around me are so wonderfully grateful too.
5. Past memories/mistakes
I am grateful for the past memories and mistakes I experienced. I think it has made me who I am today, even though some things may have gone a little downhill, but I think it is in places like this where we learn to pick ourselves up.
Being grateful is a simple task, and I know we all have something we could be more grateful for. Enjoy the things you have now, because nothing lasts forever. That can either be a good or bad thing.

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