"Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; love more, and all good things will be yours." - Swedish Proverb
Since this year has begun, I have tried to live a more simple more. One where I am content with fewer things, fewer people, the only thing I have picked up on is more responsibilities.
The thing I began to realise was having more didn't necessarily do anything for me, and people do say that all the time. Having more does not necessarily mean having more, and more is not always good.
We have been blessed with more food than we can consume, is this a good thing?
We have been blessed with more choices and paths in life than we could ever have imagined, is this a good thing?
We are blessed with so many people in our life, connections, acquaintances, is this a good thing?
Admittedly, some things that are good for some may not be good for others. Having more for some, may actually feel like more. For me, it just became more of a burden.
I felt the need to constantly have more. I used to always want more of everything. More money, more attention, more connections, more clothes, just in general I wanted more. It didn't necessarily make me unhappy, it was just putting me in cycles of losing time doing things that were a waste. Wasting time online shopping, spending time on places like Tinder etc.
When I came across this quote it just spoke volumes, because you can have and want more of something, but just choose the right things to want more of. I think for anybody it is okay to want more, just choose wisely the things you want more of.
On a side note: Winter has finally come. It is beginning to get really cold during the days and freezing cold at night. It is just nice to be inside nice and toasty and just enjoying being in peoples company without being around crowds of people. It makes me so excited to return home for the holidays and just spend several weeks enjoying the food and company of my family and friends from home!
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