
Life of a Pessimist but an Idealist

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Life of a Pessimist but an Idealist

So you're probably thinking these are conflicting personality traits. I would agree with you to a certain extent. Definition of a pessimist is somebody with "a tendency to stress the negative or unfavourable or to take the gloomiest possible view" and an idealist is "influenced by ideals that often conflict with practical considerations". However I do believe I am both.

I am pessimistic at times, and it can be beneficial in a couple of ways.
1.You never expect so you are never disappointed. 
Maybe I'm using never a little too lightly here because obviously I do sometimes have expectations. Sometimes I'll be expecting my steak to be phenomenal and it turns out bland, sometimes I'll be expecting to receive a message and it doesn't come. But most of the time I know to tell myself not to expect.

2. You can prepare yourself for the worse case scenario
You've told yourself what could happen, so if it doesn't work out you've already set your guard up and you can get over any situation pretty quickly. Saving time is always a good thing.

It can also be negative.
1. You always expect the worst so you kind of just shut people off.
Especially when it comes to friendships and relationships. You kind of expect the least from them, expect nothing to come from it, or expect they don't like you all that much. It's pretty sad really.

2. It can stop you from even trying.
Sometimes I talk myself of actually doing stuff, or getting involved with people, or applying for jobs or anything within this nature. Because I'll think of the worse case scenario and the negativity will overtake the positive.

The thing is I'm a pessimist, but I am a positive person. I think positively and try to tell myself even if it doesn't work out it doesn't matter. Even if the worse case scenario happens there are always other chances, always other people. In whatever negative situation I will always try to find a positive, and I guess that is where my idealist personality trait comes out.
So the next time somebody tries to insult you and call you a pessimist, tell them it isn't all negative and actually you can be a pessimist as well as an idealist.
So enjoy what you are, and tell yourself positive things. You are you and don't let people talk you down. Because all personality traits have good and bad points, so be happy, be you and be happy about being you :)

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