
10 Reasons Why Being Single Right Now Is Bliss (..for me)

Friday, 7 November 2014

10 Reasons Why Being Single Right Now Is Bliss (..for me)

So I know singledom can have it's pitfulls, and lord knows there are people who hate it with a passion, always needing somebody to hold their hand (or more if you want to divulge into all those nitty gritty details). But in my time alone, I have found it to be actually my happiest (so far). So here's 10 reasons I am happy to be single, and some reasons you may be or should be too!

1. I can sleep at whatever time of night I want to. 
If I want to conk out at 8pm I can, if I want to sleep at 3am I can too. No reserving time for late night phone calls, no 3 hours lost of chatter if I am really tired. Sleeping makes me happy, and the more you sleep the more likely you are to have a better day the next day, productively and for your body.

2. I can speak to whomever I want, whenever I want.
No jealous boyfriends or girlfriends telling you you shouldn't be friends with somebody because maybe their is a possibility of liking every single other opposite sex friend you have. Make friends with whomever, or don't make friends with whomever, totally your choice! Who knows what you might be passing up, maybe the big networking opportunity you've been waiting for, maybe your future who you've given up to be with your current, who knows.

3. I can plan my schedule around me.
Gone are the days where I prioritise somebody else's schedule over mine. Wednesday? Oh, just volunteering and then I can do whatever I want. Gym? Maybe. Sleep? Also maybe. I can do whatever I want. 

4. There is nobody to argue with. 
I don't think I've argued with somebody for over a year and half. I genuinely don't have anything to argue about, or anything to get upset about. You know what they say, mo money mo problems, in this case no boyfriend no problems. I no longer wonder about what somebody else is doing, what time they'll be home, how long they'll be out for, whether they've eaten, whether we'll eat together, whether we'll be together 5 years from now. 

5. I don't spend my time attached to my phone.
When around a group of friends, I no longer check my phone every 2 mins just to see if they've text me, what time I should text them. 

6. I can choose to look like a slob or look as dressed up as I want wherever I want. 
I no longer have to get dressed up into the world and face seeing somebody who might make a comment. And if they do make a comment I'm not likely to care. So there. I can be as lazy as I want. 

7. Winter means I can eat as much food as I want.
Nobody will be there to question why I've suddenly added two muffins to myself. Nobody will be there to question the pouch on my stomach. 

8. I spend 10 less minutes in the shower every shower time.
No need to shave my legs, my armpits and anything else that requires shaving. I can even save money on buying razors. So hello? Why wouldn't I be happy. Saving time and money, and time is money. It all comes full circle.

9. I prioritise time with my family more.
My family will be there with me forever, and I want to be there for them now too. The little cousins in my family who won't be as cute as they are now in 5 years time, I am able to see them grow, help them grow and just enjoy being around them.

10. I am free, so free. 
In the last year I've travelled, I've made new friends, I've picked up new hobbies. 

So for some people this may not make them happy, but these combined for me has added to the little piece of happiness that I already had in my life. Being single isn't all bad, and it isn't all bad, sometimes you just need to see the good, and welcome change if it ever comes. 

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