Everywhere in Australia is a pretty long distance apart, this means there are various "big cities" and somehow I found myself in another big city, Brisbane. The weather here is just perfect, the sunshines most days of the year and the winter peaks at mid 20's celsius.
The gardens and South bank are beautiful here, and in the sunshine everything instantly looks prettier. I am extremely easily pleased and happiness comes in extreme waves for me.
A tree we found in the many many parks, I have not climbed a tree since I was around 10 years old, even then I was a little scaredy cat who would try and hardest to avoid anything. Considering I have lost so much upper arm strength during my travels I was pleasantly surprised by my ability to get even this far!

Brisbane Art Scene was actually okay, I was not amazed by it as I was the MCA in Sydney but in Brisbane it was worth a visit seeing as there was very little else to do. Most people around this area seemed to be backpackers making a quick stop or studying.
It has amazing weather though, so if that is what you want to enjoy all year round - why the hell not!
Seeing this man made me extremely happy, he looks so content playing his instrument finding solitude to retreat to and play. A lot makes me happy, I am a simpleton.
Korean Fried Chicken, nothing beats fried chicken like this. It definitely did not live up to actual KOREA Korean Fried Chicken, but all in all I enjoyed it. It did not help my illness though, sore throat = moany Christine.
City views from above always get me, it makes me super nostalgic and sentimental and get all emotionally messy and think about everything and life and deep things and I turn into Drake.
On a Sunday evening we went to a folky live music bar, perfect atmosphere for chilling and a couple glasses of wine. Folk music is just warms my soul.
Brisbane only lasted for a few days, but that was plenty. I left with a liking of Brisbane, but nowhere I will be in a hurry to return to. Onto the next!
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