
Week 2

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

During the past two weeks I've been getting into a routine, routines after a while get rather boring and tiering. However as a University student who has not had a proper schedule for two years it is quite refreshing! Working in such a nice office environment with lovely people is also another perk of it too! In a co-working office called The Hive, the place is designed in a nice open space, nice interior, FREE LATTES, water and extremely good air-con! Maybe a little too strong sometimes. However, this all just makes it such a nice environment.
If you are looking for a nice little office to rent in Hong Kong, I definitely recommend a place like The Hive located in Kennedy Town. 
They host little get togethers for all the different companies within the hive, and it is such a nice little fun AND healthy get together.
The photo below shows the little salad they prepared with all the food we all brought together. 
I work for an awesome Australian company that falls under The Lock Group, the people are just so lovely, and yet oh so professional! If you ever have time, check out BRAND X, or DESIGNPMQ, because they work so hard to put it all together, and the people are so genuine! 
They have given us opportunities to experience things we may never have had access or information to, for example a fashion show for the emerging Hong Kong brands, FLUX and also DEMO. 
 A little behind the scenes of the fashion show, with a famous blogger/actress in attendance! I have yet to find out who that "famous somebody" was, but I definitely recognised her face haha!
 Another two interns working under The Lock Group, Cryster & Hao Chian!
 Above and below is a little preview of the Demo collection, designed for men. 
 Below are the models modelling the collection designed by Flux, the designs which are already becoming popular in Melbourne (I heard), and is currently working on developing and opening up to the American market! So look out guys!
Just as a little side note, my favourite song of the moment is RUDE by Magic! I literally cannot get enough of this song, the smooth reggae beat with such funny and cute lyrics. It pulls at my heart strings whilst I bounce happily to the beat. 
This week was a little towards the less hectic side, but the upcoming THIRD WEEK was a lot of food, a lot of hanging out, and just a lot. 

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