So, it is already week 6! I have reached the final stretch of my internship in Hong Kong, and despite a few speed bumps it has been an amazing experience, the people you meet, the emotions you feel and the work I have done. Hong Kong is not new to me, but this whole experience has opened up my eyes up to a newer, more developed and more open Hong Kong, and I am now more open to it. So here is a round up of the weeks following the previous posts!

Dinner at Victoria Peak
Despite the terrible weather all day on this day, it cleared up enough for us during the evening for us to enjoy the view. It is incredible to see the lights of a city from a distance. It feels like for that little amount of time you are away from the chaos and mass amounts of people in Hong Kong. This dinner gave us an opportunity to enjoy friends companies as well as meeting new people.
Claire looking like she is having an enjoyable time, secretly like the rest of us ready to devour the steak that we have been so patiently waiting for! "Steak fries" as they referred to them in this restaurant were delicious, just as most chips are! 

Bad quality picture, this camera on my phone seems very temperamental, it needs to enjoy a specific light setting before it actually comes up with a good quality picture. I ordered the same as Claire, not disappointed but not overly amazed about the steak. Although I did thoroughly enjoy the vegetables which I have eaten so little of as of late!
For dessert we went for nothing less than a Chocolate fondant, I may have accidentally ruined Raman's first fondant experience (sorry!). The caramel biscuit was too hard, too sugary and generally just not very tasty. The fondant however flowed out nicely and the ice cream always a great compliment to the chocolate dessert. Overall quite happy about the dinner at the peak!
So just in time for Cryster's last day, the bosses Simon and Kirsten arrived from their travels. They treated us to a little champagne at a small Korean bar/restaurant in Kennedy Town just off of Smithfield Road, the place is decorated nicely (I thought, until Rebecca points out rather it looks like a factory). This was a nice opportunity to talk considering our office time is mostly spent sitting behind the computer in silence.

Our final dinner together was in a bar in LKF, so very classy. This bar plays live music, so though it was enjoyable, it was MUCH too loud, the service much too slow and the food mediocre. Seafood risotto, my favourite! Filling and tasty but probably not worth another visit.
Over the weekend I visited my family over in Shenzhen, it was a good opportunity to get away from hectic Hong Kong and see some sort of family. Considering I have been at University for 2 years, I have not spent this amount of time away from family. (The sad reality, 20 years old and never been away from family for more than 2 weeks! I am a big home sick baby). My grandma managed to dig out some photos they found from their home town that my grandad buried, it was a nice little reminder of him as well as a nice opportunity to see my grandma so happy to reminisce about the nice memories of my grandad.
During one of the weeks for a couple of days we had the opportunity to assist a photoshoot and video shoot. This was both a fun, tiering and stressful experience. I had never been put into a situation and under the command of such a bipolar individual, EVER. This creative director was extremely confident, brash, nice, nasty and basically every way you could describe a person. Definitely had its up and downs, but at the end of it it was so rewarding. I hate a few problems during this and had to leave early on the second day however, any time spent experiencing is so worth it.
So many "final dinners" for Cryster during this week, this time it was with Claire, Holly, Cryster and Christy. We had szechuan food, because we cannot resist ourselves some spicy food. This place was in Elements in Kowloon and it was delicious, not too spicy as Chilli Fagara was but also not bland spice! Perfect! And those little free chicks peas or nuts to the left side of the picture below.. YEAH they probably MADE the meal!

Japanese restaurant in Sha Tin, I have been to so many restaurants in so many places I have basically forgotten all the names. Maybe upon my return I will update you guys with the list of various restaurants I visited. This place is famous for its fried tempura black pork, the black pork was delicious, it was nice and soft and the tempura on the outside is just thick enough to cover it so you do not feel like you have just drunk a cup of oil. Not the cheapest for the tempura, but worth a visit if you fancy a more upscale japanese restaurant, OR just love tempura.
Burgers in Sheung Wan, looks a little like GBK burgers and suprisingly quite rare to find unless you are on Hong Kong Island, as Hong Kong Island tends to cover the western food more. Pricey as a GBK burger would be, wedges are so so, I prefer more chip like wedges. Burger so so, but worth a visit if you miss your meaty burgers from UK.
Over this weekend I had another bit of a food extravaganza! First dim sum in Central and then for dinner in Festival Walk in Kowloon Tong. I had been eyeing up this "school food" Korean there for a while. It did not disappoint, the mari (looks like little pieces of sushi were really delicious), the fried chicken salad delicious..just all round deliciousness. Korean food for me is NO 1, I just cannot get enough.
Before our trip to Kowloon Tong and before ditching the boys, we made our way to Wong Tai Sin, I did not think this was a place I would visit again but it was a nice surprise that I did because I did not see the gardens last year, this view of the man made fountain.. PICTURE WORTHY.
After this what seemed to be an extremely long day me and Christy decided to go for a little movie screening. LUCY! I enjoyed it, I have seen many bad comments about the movie but it is one of those action movies with a pretty actress e.g. very generic. However I kind of liked the message it gave, (I will not spoil it for everybody) but it is a good movie, maybe not worth a cinema ticket, but who cares?
A few days later, onto dinner with Christy. Thai restaurant in Admiralty, I have to admit I am NOT, I repeat NOT a big fan of Thai food but this place could almost change my mind. We had some minced chicken salad, fish cakes and a deep fried tofu curry. I enjoyed the curry, surprisingly! The fish cakes were ok, I have had MUCH better but overall it was nice! Fast, efficient service and good decor.

A cheap dinner in Jordan I resorted to this place. In Hong Kong you quickly learn, cheap normally means bad service, unhappy waitresses but quick service and good food. A supposedly "famous" dumpling place near Temple Street. These dishes below and 2 more cost less than $50 HKD! Happy tummy = happy Christine. And lesson learnt, if you want good cheap food you sometimes will have to compromise on the atmosphere, people and service.
To end the 5th week, once again we went for drinks. This time at Bulldog opposite the coast in Kennedy Town. Hong Kong is not always sunshine and hot weather, considering the day I am writing this it has been raining for around 24 hours! But on this particular Friday we was lucky enough to catch this beautiful sunset. 

And so, as my journey in Hong Kong almost comes to a close, it begins a new adventure in a new country. Despite having so much fun here, having met so many people and developed in my own way, I am almost ready to come home. England is and always will be my home, even if one day I leave for good, it has been nice to call Hong Kong home for several weeks.
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