Sometimes the people you meet in life despite being with you for such a short period of time can make such a big difference. They can make years of friendship in comparison to weeks of friendship into similar things. The people you meet on your journey change you in some shape or form. The people I meet on a night out affect my way of thinking, in some way. The people I see on the streets place a role in how I see the world around me.
Having been to Hong Kong on several occasions I don't think I expected it to alter my thoughts about my many things. I didn't think I'd meet the people I met, I didn't realise how valuable these few weeks would be. I've met people from around the globe, people who have moved across the globe for work, people who simply came to party, people who came to explore. The people you meet in places like Hong Kong is an endless variety. It also makes you realise how small the world really is, how people are so linked together with all the people we meet.
Once you've met these wide variety of people you realise people talk to just talk. It matters what you say, but not all the time. It matters what you say if you are saying something hurtful, it matters when it is not the truth; but other than that talk is for fun, which is why language to so many people is a fun learning curve. Me being one of them, language is so enjoyable, it allows you to have a little laugh when you do not want to talk about a serious subject. Just a little giggle about the differences of how people speak, the accents people have or the way people pronounce words.
All in all, do not ever be afraid to talk, there is no loss in speaking to that person first. In most cases they are probably waiting for you too, thinking the same thing. If they do not want to talk they will probably make it obvious in the first encounter. So then what have you lost? Nothing, if anything you would have lost time thinking about what if. So in other words, without sounding like a nike advert, JUST DO IT.
If you want to speak to somebody, just do it.
If the situation might be awkward, so what? just do it.
You never know, the people you meet in that situation and the conversations you have may change you for the better. The people you meet through one conversation with a single new person may lead to countless opportunities and exciting new direction in your life.
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