

Friday, 12 June 2015

Iceland in the middle of winter is incredible. Mind blowingly (literally) cold, extremely deep snow and sunlight hours restricted to around 7 hours. We hadn't contemplated how cold it would be until it actually hit us. 4 layers was the minimum, especially on the tours. I recommend layers, hoods and if possible face masks!
The little town of Reykjavik. This side of the town was filled with restaurants and bars, perfect for me and Christy!

Did I tell you to wear layers until you look like a snowman like me?

My first meal in Reykjavik was an icelandic hotdog..... does it look appetising enough?

The most exciting part of Iceland was the Blue Lagoon, I mean I hate to admit it but it isn't one of the most exciting places I've been. Maybe because it's the dead of winter, and there are blizzards everywhere, but it takes so long to drive anywhere, and navigating the place yourself is almost impossible in this season.

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