I know, elephant riding. Nobody shoot me, it was just one of those experiences they took me too. I can't lie, it was fun but sad to see the elephants had hooks attacking them. The man tried to assure me he was using them to kill flies, what can I say I'm naive, later I read that it is clearly not the case. The elephants seemed so loyal, listening to their every word :(
One of my favourite past times - coffee time! I love that Asia has these cute little inspirational quotes everywhere, can you tell I'm a sap?
Overlooking the whole of Chiang Mai on our way up to the temple. How beautiful it all is and the weather was crazy good.
My favourite photo throughout my whole camera roll. This dog with eyebrows, this DOG has drawn on eyebrows..
HAHAHAHA, I look like such a dork. I don't know how to smile for photos, I'm not a "let me take a picture in front of the.." kind of person. They forced me to do this - and you can tell what an awkward turtle I always am :(
And guess what? They have a cat cafe in Chiang Mai, so we obviously had to go. Thank god these kitties were friendly than those Japanese ones. This cat cafe was loaded with them too, this moody one in particular was my favourite, just look at that grumpy face.
Chiang Mai night safari, I didn't actually capture any good photos during that evening. I mean I'm such an amateur photographer I don't even know how to adjust my camera for night time mode.
Finally on my final evening I manage to make it on a night out - with people who had been sleeping in the bunk next to me for 3 days who I hadn't spoken a word to. Turns out we get on like a house on fire and the rest of the night was history. Chiang Mai was a beautiful little getaway, besides the overbearing humidity and being eaten by gnats, it was a good change from Japan. It was now onto the next and final destination!
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