
Coconut Water

Monday, 26 May 2014

It is obvious we live in a food obsessed world, heck in first world countries it is so simple to pop to the shop and buy a chocolate bar, or a bag of apples. We can even just get up, head to the kitchen and grab a slice of bread. Food is no longer a necessity but a pass time, something to enjoy.. and I am not complaining! What has been more obvious over the past decade however is the rise in promotion of healthier diets. Mostly from health companies themselves and through people promoting their bodies through social media sites. Boy.. do these people look good. If it was as simple as they make it look then I'm sure we'd all jump on the bandwagon. However, it is much more difficult to change your entire lifestyle like how a small number of people do (and then post it all over their Instagram, and good on them, they deserve to feel gratified after all the hard work!)
Though we can't all be health food junkies, there are simple steps we can take to reducing our waistlines and foods and drinks that are healthy and also enjoyable. Coconut water is one of them!
Coconut water is something I had not had since my childhood, when I questioned my mum (secretly, in my head.. when you're a child you do not question your parents.. especially parents like mine!) and oh my did I enjoy this sweet yet thirst quenching taste in my mouth. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I discovered Vita Coco which they sell in quite a few shops and megastores now. 100% pure natural coconut water according to the labels. Tending to be around £2 for 500ml it isn't the cheapest of drinks, and isn't much different to water in my opinion, maybe slightly sweeter and slightly more nourishing. 

Now what is really exciting and what I actually wanted to finally get on to, is the coconut water they are selling in London! With a couple of pop up stalls selling fresh coconut water, in actual coconuts on Bond Street and in Covent Garden it's just such a fun idea and so delicious! £4 for a coconut is quite dear I must admit but if you're ever in London and fancy a quick treat this is something you should go for. Delicious, nourishing and fun. 

This stall pictured below is in Covent Garden and also sell nuts.
(Why do roasted nuts smell so delicious?)

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