
Rabat, Morocco Part 2

Monday, 26 May 2014

Part 2 of my short journey to Rabat. Rabat has the coast, the gardens, the city and shops. This is definitely a lovely place to come if you want to get away from the normal major cities you are used to like London and Paris, which all really have the same or very similar shops. Below is a little garden near the coast, and the plants in Morocco are looked after so perfectly. I mean Marrakech had beautiful flowers and in the resort we were staying we would see them tending to the gardens all day. 
 Whilst we were exploring and attempting to walk home from the school we stumbled across a little bakery. I love me some pastry, I really do. Nothing satisfies your sweet tooth needs like a bakery does. There was an endless choice of pastries and I wish I could have taken a picture, sadly I did not have enough arabic skills to ask permission to take pictures! 
 On my final evening we went to Coq Magic, recommended by the owner of the school I was attending. So I had to give it a try before I left didn't I! This place specialised in grilling meats and it was quite good. The price made it even better. I would say we probably ordered more than a normal 4 diners amount. 
I told you, bread with every meal. This place wasn't an exception! They even gave unlimited bread if you could really handle it. If only I could have shown you a comparison of the size of these breads to my head, you'd think it was huge too, and an unlimited amount? WHO eats that amount of bread? 
 To start we ordered a salad to share. Not really being a lover of tomatoes I was a little skeptical on this dish, the presentation into a ball looks nice, but the tuna on the side looks a little... off, shall I say. This dish really has started my love for tomatoes however, do they have better tomatoes there or something?
 Our main courses could feed more than 4 people I would expect! We ordered the XXL grill and also the large, and seriously this was filling. At the meal coming to a total of 153 Moroccan Dirhams, this was a cheap, satisfactory and delicious meal. 
 Another thing is their love of cheese. This was in the "supermarket" in Agdar, a little carrefour. If this isn't a wide selection of cheese I do not know what is. I was amazed to see so many different kinds! They also load up their pizza with cheese! 
 And finally, the morning had arrived. Another early flight, and back to England again. Though an unplanned leave, it just felt like it was time to go. People at the school were extremely friendly and helpful, but it just didn't seem like the right environment for me at this exact moment in my life. Maybe in the future, but for now it was time to return to beloved England. 
 Generic shoe shot, but my flight was delayed by around 3 hours and we were literally sat on the plane just sitting there.. not doing ANYTHING. 
 There is something so fun and beautiful about flying through the clouds. The first time I noticed flying through the clouds was on my flight to Russia, and those clouds were thick and to circle around the clouds was just such a pleasant sight, to this day it reminds me of that trip and just makes me so nostalgic. 
And here it is, finally my arrival to England. Just 3 hours after the time I was supposed to arrive, but hey ho at least we all made it back safely! I will never understand the people who don't like the english weather or the english landscape or the english people. Maybe I am biased but I truly do love being in England, and as long as my friends and family remain here, it will forever be my home. Everything just seems to fall into place when you're home, the comfort of home is something you just cannot get when travelling. 

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