
Favourite Chinese Food

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

So I think many people have a perception of asians as being small and skinny, and I admit it tends to be the case. If you're walking around in an asian country or even an asian restaurant people tend to be small, and most of the time skinny. (As a "larger" chinese family, this can get make us a little self conscious sometimes, however it is all in our minds.) This is because chinese people do tend to eat healthier, rice, vegetables and meat every night. Despite this, chinese people do actually have some unhealthy foods in their diet too, and this is DIM SUM. Dim sum is little bits of everything, fried, steamed whatever you fancy really.

Here are a few of our favourites:
 Congee and Cruller
 Chicken Feet
Taro Croquette

We did have to resort to a different dim sum place this sunday due to there being a wedding at the normally visited restaurant. However, it seemed there was a wedding at every restaurant so we just stuck with one of our frequented places also: Yi Ban in Docklands London. It isn't our favourite place but it definitely does the job. At around £3 for a dish it is really cheap, however if a big group of you are going it is worth it to order a variety of dishes and splitting the price, and being able to try everything. Which is what many of us asians do do! No point going to dim sum if you don't want to try a little bit of everything.

So if you do ever want to try something authentic and have still yet to try dim sum, I highly recommend it. For oriental asians it is a chance to bond with family and/or friends, and at the same time being able to enjoy so much different food.
Places to try dim sum in South East:

  • China Town 
  • Docklands (Yi Ban or Royal China)
  • Greenwich (Sai Kei)

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