Not settling. I think sometimes we get caught up and believe we don't deserve something. There is a famous quote that always floats around from the book Perks of Being A Wallflower, and that is, "we accept the love we think we deserve". Because I have seen this quote so often it is ingrained in my mind, even if sometimes it does not necessarily make a difference to my decisions or my days. Though sometimes it does.
When I am thinking about dating somebody, or whether I should or should not stop seeing somebody. Or whether I should or shouldn't do something or go and see my friends, this is a quote I like to listen to. If you don't think you deserve better, then you will never get it, because you will always settle for less than what you are worth. If a friend isn't being the most loyal to you, or not giving you enough time from their schedule, and you still stick around, it is because you do not think you deserve better. In actual fact, you do, everybody does. Do not let somebody who treats you like an option stay as a "friend", they do not deserve that title. The same with a relationship, do not let them put everything before you and still decide to stick around, because when they find something more interesting, another more interesting they are bound to get up and leave. Trust me, you deserve better. If you find that your day is going downhill, it is more than likely that you decided when you woke up this is not going to be a good day. You might be having a bad day, but you deserve better, so believe it. You deserve better, but you actively have to seek it. Do not think that deserving something means you get it straight away, or that you get it without some perseverance. Believe that you deserve it, go after it, (or leave it in other circumstances) and eventually you will have what you deserve. Accept that you can have these opportunities, accept that you can have better people in your life.
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