As summer has arrived the amount of free time I have to myself has increased significantly. No longer needing to focus my attention on work and people. This has given me time to look through some of my old favourites on the internet. Little gems like and Thought Catalog. I've always loved reading, but as I've grown up my interest in reading fiction has diminished. It just makes so much sense to me, and so much more motivational when I read blog, pieces of writing from people who are a little more experienced. Those who have experienced things, travelled places, made mistakes.
Though I don't ever think by reading these I will avoid mistakes, it just makes for an enjoyable read.
One piece I read in particular is 10 of Life's Secrets That No One Told You.
One of the "secrets" that really stood out to me is: Your best friends will change and so will you.
I still acknowledge many of those around me as being my "best friends" and sometimes I wonder whether they think the same. However, I have also acknowledged that we are different. We aren't the same and we will never be. We will never be the 15 year olds who spent every day together, we won't work together, we won't date together and we won't get angry, upset and enjoy our summers together.
It's been difficult for me to acknowledge people as my best friends, it took me a while but something did change and I did start using the term "best friends".
As we've moved away from each other, I know that we are no longer surrounded by the same people; no longer study the same subjects, no longer talk every day. At the beginning it seemed difficult, I was so focused on keeping things together with a guy that I completely forgot how important it was to keep a long distant friendship together.
We still see each other when we return home, but it just isn't the same.
And I think people will always tell you that it is okay. At this point in our life we are different, different from each other and the old us. But that's okay, because we shared memories and we were happy. We're happy now, we have just connected with different people. We have also connected in a different way.
I still find you to be one of my closest friends, I find you inspiring and motivational when I really need it in my life. Your ambitious nature has encouraged me to thrive and experience. So if one day we meet on a path much like our old one, I will embrace it and know that I will enjoy it as much as our last journey. But for now, I appreciate that we are in each others lives, even if we are going on different journeys with different people.
We can sometimes forget about those who are still so close to our side, the peoples who's journeys crossed our paths and for all the others that will continue to be with us.
So I'll love the memories we've had, hope for me, but know that people come into your life for a reason, and sometimes they leave for no reason at all, and you leave theirs without reason also. Whoever they may be, you will continually love them, especially those who were your best friends. You'll love them eternally for just being them, for now or in the past.
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