Turning 20 did not seem very significant, in fact it seemed like the least significant age I have turned so far. The partying was all for the sake of a party, and the birthday meals all for the sake of meeting up with everybody. But as I have matured into a 20year old, it seems that 20 was quite significant. For the first time I have not felt home sick. Sure I miss home, sure I have had days where I have felt and told people that I miss my family, the weather, my car; but after each of these little speeches I am over it. That short pang of missing my family and England just goes away.
I have found that despite only being half way through 20, I have matured in more ways than one. I am more emotionally mature, I find myself being able to control my emotions more, if people hurt me I know to control my emotions enough not to hurt them back. I understand that being with somebody means giving them your all, your time, your emotions and your physical being. I find myself controlling how I interact with people. The biggest step I have had to make, from my perspective anyways.
To expand on this issue I will start with my years growing up.
As a girl I have always grown up with a big family, so people everywhere. Meaning I was always thrown into situations with a lot of people. But always with people I already were familiar with. My cousins growing up were some of my best friends, so we basically did everything together. This left me feeling very comfortable, but ONLY when I was with somebody I knew. As the years went by and as we grew up we needed to be apart at some point. The time came when we separated for secondary school. There I was on the first day of school, in A BIG SECONDARY SCHOOL all alone. Without my best friends from Junior school with me, without my cousins. Just me. I was shy. Very shy, so shy to the point where I would sit and have crisps in the locker room everyday, sit in the library every day during lunch and break time. Until I made friends of course, even then it did not help with my ultra shy nature. My shy nature did not help when I was very much the nice nice girl, the girl who was too nice, the one who would always say yes. That was me growing up, the girl people either really liked or were indifferent too. I was never hated, and I never hated. Because I could never find a reason too, because I never spoke up for people to ever anger me, annoy me or make me upset.
As the time at secondary drew to a close, I still found it difficult to speak to new people, and to just simply TALK. Talking about myself, my situations, my feelings I found especially difficult. Long story short, I did not change much in secondary school. So much of my time was spent with the same people it was hard to develop.
Now that part of my life was finished, University approached. This was a total shock to the system. Thrown into an apartment with people I did not know, people in different classes and having to make a totally different life for myself in a new city. It was more difficult than I first expected. Home sick within the first few days, home within 5. I was only an hour away from home. What contributed to this was the fact I was in a long distance relationship. However I do not regret this, and it kind of shaped how I perceive relationships now. It was a good stepping stone. A stone I am quite happy to throw away. Although after this it was still difficult to open up to people, it took some time.
This leads me on to the most recent portion of my life, my longest period away from home. These 6 weeks have really allowed to flourish, to talk to everybody. Whether they will be a part of my future is not is irrelevant, but whether you take the first step to talk to them or not is the easiest part. Developing that further is the hard part. Without the first leap you will never know whether they were supposed to be part of your life or not.
This journey has taken me through some pretty cool highs, and surprisingly little lows. The home sickness never kicked in. So here is looking to the future, but saying goodbye to some good friends made on this journey.. for now!