
Highs and Lows of 2014

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Every year has its ups and downs, and I haven't experienced amazing highs or amazing lows, but to me they are significant. 2014 has definitely been a memorable one for me. Personally I think the growth was within myself and doing things I have never tried, but also doing things I knew I was 100% comfortable with. Even those insignificant moments contributed to something. 

To begin on the highs:
  • I began the year celebrating with my University friends and a few friends from home. It was an enjoyable party and it definitely set the tone for the rest of the year. 
  • I travelled more in one year than I have before any other year of my life. To be exact, I was in 6 different countries this year. Some of these places I have loved so much I didn't want to leave. Most notably, New York and Seoul. These are two places I have been and felt sad about actually leaving. 
  • I finished the 2nd year of University with a grade I can tolerate, sure it isn't the highest and I could have done better but it can only get better from here.
  • I've met some of the most incredible people. Some I keep in touch with, some who have turned into some of my really good friends and others who it has just been nice to cross paths.
  • This year has shown that I have the support of my family and friends no matter where I am in the world, it doesn't matter where I am, what I am doing, I can always look to them for a little support if I am feeling sad or lonely. 
  • I completed my first role in a 9-5 job. It wasn't difficult and sure it wasn't really a challenge, but to have that experience and to have got the role makes the year a little more significant.
  • Just the general, insignificant moments spent with my friends and family, eating, playing games, drinking, walking in different cities, watching passer-bys.
I mean, I don't want to end on lows, but do you start with highs and end with lows or end it with a high note? Either way, a low is a low.
  • I felt a little lost and insignificant, the feeling of having little to contribute, feeling like you have no place. In the final year of University it is hard not to feel lost, and to have self-belief when the qualities and characteristics about you seemingly don't fit any role. 
  • I returned from a trip to Rabat after 3 days, which was supposed to be 2 weeks. I came home defeated, deflated and lacking motivation. 
  • Being home sick whilst in Hong Kong and missing some opportunities with other interns, simply because I felt down. Forgetting that you can change your mood, your outlook with your train of thought. 
To be honest, I can't say I had many lows this year. I have felt the first feeling a lot this year, I mean it constantly plays on my mind due to never wanting to fail. However, a lot more horrible things are possible. Overall, 2014 has been an amazing year, and I hope to continue experiencing seeing new wonderful things and meeting positive people. Thankful for people and experiences that has made up this year.

New York: Part 2

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

So I may have gone a little crazy with pictures in New York. As a tourist, and a lone tourist at that, it kind of is just what you do. So once again, here is a long post of pictures I took on Day 1. (This isn't even all of it)
I mean I couldn't not take a photo of the train line towards Long Island. Jersey Shores will understand why. The 15 year old me was extremely happy.
My first morning waking up in New York. My sister said she thought I woke up in the Bronx, fortunately no, this is just the Lower East Side near China Town. I stayed at The Bowrey House during my stay. I will review this hostel after these New York touristy posts.
Each morning I made my way out super early. Normally heading out around 7am-8am to start and make the most of the day. This first day was no exception. Also at my favourite place, getting off the subway at 14th Street, Union Square. I did get lost, but getting lost in a place like New York just brings you to even better places. That is when I stumbled across Strand Bookstore, one of the biggest in the world.

For brunch I headed to a very well known 24/7 brunch place near the University. Veselka, they offer full breakfast, healthy breakfasts, everything. It wasn't the cheapest of places, but worth a visit, maybe more if you are looking to spend some time with family and friends.
 How many drinks do they think a girl needs? 
My egg's benedict, so good. Not so sure about the potato/hash brown looking fried thing, a little too oily and extremely dry but the rest of it was very good. The poached eggs were delicious, but again the sauce that comes with it I would avoid personally. Very sweet! Safe to save I do like Veselka but not worth a second visit (unless I live there and fancy a 24 hour breakfast!)

After breakfast I headed to the Strand Bookstore that I stumbled across earlier. Walking around New York during December in 2 degree weather it really is TOO COLD. My face was just being blown off. The Strand Bookstore was such a nice little escape, I say little but I was in there for more than an hour and 1/2.
There was just so much to look at, some much to read, I didn't want to leave, I wanted to buy all the books I had picked up, but it just wasn't feasible.
Once again, I found refuge after walking around a little more around and found one of a million Starbucks in New York City. This one was a pretty nice one, nice and big and looking out onto the street. This one is located in Astor Place right by Soho.
In the end I soaked up the warmth and wifi in Starbucks and read my new book from The Strand called "The Art of Thinking Clearly" which you've guessed it, I have yet to finish. So far it is an interesting read, however it is very vague, it never really outlines how you can actually change your actions and thoughts, but rather the wrong things. I am only half way through the book, and I will continue it but it isn't the best I have read.

New York Part 1

Monday, 29 December 2014

Here comes another travel post. New York can I first say is amazing, nothing does justice for New York like actually being there. To begin, lets start with my story of how it all began. My cousin being as spontaneous as she is flew out to New York on the Tuesday, without telling me! Upon realising the cheap flights, £400, how can you pass that up? Despite having lots of work to complete before the next term begins, I booked tickets. This was after a sitting in the library at 9am telling myself if I complete 2000 words of this 5000 word essay I will book flights. It was just one of those moments when you are suffering in the library and need an escape. I had contemplated being sensible and checking flights for more feasible dates, e.g. a week later or later on in the week, but actually I booked it for the next day. The day was currently Thursday and I was flying FRIDAY morning. And so it began.
First stop: Madrid. Connecting flights can be so tiersome, but a 3hr wait really isn't too long, the only problem is me being me I didn't contemplate how hot it would be over there. So wrapped up in all my layers protecting me from the cold of the London chill and the following coldness in New York, I was baking in Madrid. It was still 20+ degrees there! Safe to safe I looked like a knob.
Here we go, AIR EUROPA, flying to New York. I can tell you now I couldn't contain my excitement whilst I sat and took this picture. Despite being by myself, there was something even more exciting about it.
For cheap flights this is a surprisingly flight airline. The seats were relatively roomy and the service was amazing. The only downside of the cheap flight was the movies and television shows. Unlike the big airlines such as Virgin Atlantic and Cathay Pacific, they do not offer a wide array of the latest movies. Albeit they had a few such as "The Drop" but I ended up channeling my inner-child and sticking to Maze-runner, which if you are 15 or like me, you will enjoy. 
Having woken up at 3am to make this flight and flying through the day it was so difficult not to fall asleep. The struggle definitely was real, but staying up to sail through clouds is definitely worth it.
Arrival into Madrid, I didn't want to do anything but eat, I was STARVING to say the least. Getting to my table and realising I picked up sparkling water and paid €2.50 for something I didn't want instead of still water, I was a little peeved at myself, but nothing could ruin the pure joy and excitement I was feeling.
Devoured my mandarins and fruit mix very quickly in the back as you can see. You didn't expect the water and fruit to be my meal did you? This was the main course, PIZZA.This is supposed to be the meat pizza, I mean there wasn't much meat but who am I to complain I was hungry and it was do-able.
And so the final lap of the journey begins, NEW YORK, HERE I COME.
For those nostalgic moments you need a few sunset pictures. For those moments where you contemplate what you've actually done, you need to look out the window and question life. That is exactly what I was doing here. Asking those important questions "WHO AM I?" "WHAT HAVE I JUST DONE?" and the real question of "WHAT ARE MY SIBLINGS AND PARENTS GOING TO SAY WHEN THEY FIND OUT?"
Having to stay awake to adjust to the time differences isn't so difficult when you have horizons to look at whilst flying over. That and the food. The food was so good on Air Europa, sorry Virgin, Cathay and British Airways, Air Europa wins! The food was generously portioned and was offered 3 times. Thats more than in a 12hour flight to HONG KONG.  
AND SO I ARRIVED IN NEW YORK. Was this a picture to mark my arrival or just because I liked the man's yellow jeans in front of me, you decide. And so my lone journey around New York began!

University: Careers

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Being in third year, there is a constant reminder that this is the end of a journey. This is the end of your educational journey, it is time to venture out where you are competing everyday for a position, you are no longer sat in a safe position after being admitted into that school or that University. Unfortunately for us, a boss can cause havoc in our life if we don't do what they need to us to do. This makes these last few months of University so much more difficult. Wondering where our future boss is, what they're like, who are they like and how to best get these people to like us.
The problem is, if you don't actually know where you want to go, and can't envision what kind of boss in what field. That is my dilemma right now. 
I have simply become too comfortable in the student lifestyle and have too much choice. Choices are endless, I could continue my journey in education, or I could travel and see what countries have to offer, or I could just stay and search for a job, I could even just sit comfortably and help my parents. The endless choices make these next few months so much more difficult, but whilst I was going through this conventional 20year old crisis, I was reminded by my mother of a few things.

1. Time
I have endless amounts of time to choose what it is I really want to do, there is no restriction on time. If I don't like a job or career, you move. If you want to find a career path, go back into education. Time is actually on your side, there is nobody telling you you need to be on a particular path at a particular time. 

2. Resources
I forget how lucky I really am, and my parents don't consciously try to remind me, but they are those heroins that just have the happy and lucky spirit that rubs off on you. On this occasion she verbally reminded me that they are always here to help. I can stay and do what I want, and be educated if I want to be. A lot of us have privileges like this and it is nice to be reminded. 

3. Comparing Yourself Doesn't Put You In A Better Place
My mother is one of those people that loves money (she's Chinese, you really can't blame her) but she also reminds me that being happy isn't about how much money you have. Comparing yourself to what others have will also put you in an unhappy place. Finding a job doing something that you don't hate will make you a whole lot happier every morning than waking up with money. 

These were the few things she reminded me of when I was going through my crisis. It is amazing what a few words can do for you and your entire day. 
So if you are going through this exact same crisis, know there is a beginning and an end, and your journey is just beginning. 
All bad things come to an end. 

Christmas 2014

Friday, 26 December 2014

I would say for the best part of my teen years I have spent EVERY Christmas Eve working for my parents. It really doesn't bother me as my family are all there, and sometimes not attending work means you are missing out rather than going. This particular Christmas was not any different. This time everybody just a little older and wiser. 
By now we are all very familiar with this face, and this is little Gracie! She loves a little pose, a little pout and to be centre of attention. The limelight is where she is supposed to be, constantly talking and eating.
I had to take the little moustache from her to have a little selfie moment of my own. Christmas Eve evening feast was not as exciting as it used to be! (Mainly because when you're 9 and waiting for your parents to return and letting you run around crazy till 5am was the idea of fun, now not so much)
So at 20 years of age, I have yet to have a traditional christmas dinner, but I guess this is tradition. HOT POT. Not my most favourite meal, but it does the job. It bonds people and is a chinese favourite, so why the hell not.
So the celebrations begin. Things are a little different now since we are all so grown! The youngest is 15 so we all gather and pretend to drink. There is less presents now and more talking as a family rather than adults vs children. It's an enjoyable catch up and this christmas was no exception.
Me and my twin of a sister. Soon to be a very different story. 
My cousin taking selfies and us being in the photo. How things definitely have changed since we were younger. I don't even think we have any images of christmas when we were younger!
And I am just one of those unphotogenic people, who do stupid faces at the wrong times, getting tired of taking a million pictures in a row!
 Brother and Uncle...... OH DEAR is right

Motivation #2

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

I always try to stay motivated, I try to read motivational posts and quotes, when actually I am just procrastinating. The best way to stay motivated I have found is just to set mini targets. Lately I have been feeling so under the weather, about the future about the uncertainty and just general stress as a third year. Sometimes you just need a refresher and other's around you to remind you this isn't the end, the world doesn't end when you leave University without an immediate start at a job, or in the career everybody expects you to enter. So in order to stay motivated, I have set myself a few simple targets.
Lists I make every sunday evening outlining the things I will complete that week, they are not suggestions, but a list of must do, will do's.
So if you are lacking motivation, which is usually due to the mounting work you have to do, and because it seems so monstrous you just avoid it. To avoid this build up, split it into different tasks. Even with exercise it maintains true. Setting yourself mini targets rather than saying "I shall complete this 5000 word essay TODAY" just sounds too daunting.
So keep motivated by keeping lists and making targets. Hopefully this will help me and somebody else!
The daunting, seemingly never ending amount of work. Messy desk, doesn't do my brain any good either. But so the week begins, week 1 of setting those targets and making those lists!

Abeno Too

Monday, 22 December 2014

I have returned from New York for a week now. It is not enough to say that I miss that place a lot. For somebody who was only out there for a week, I have fallen in love very quickly. The place, the people, the lights is just incredible. People always complain about the cold and windy weather in London, but it really does not compare to the brisk cold of New York. So when I went to London in this particular evening in a Leather Jacket I was especially happy that I did not have to wear the layers upon layers and thermals that I had on in New York.
I mean, this is no New York City Skyscrapper sight, but London financial district Canary Wharf doesn't do too bad of a job. The sunset makes it look slightly better.
It is nice to take time to see the sights you were once so bored of seeing. I used to walk past this so frequently and just glance, but this night and the other nights I have returned I just remind myself how pretty it really looks.
Generic Oxford Street Light pictures, with an additional of a man's head. Bet you don't see that head very often, so let's just say this is a new refreshing picture.

Selfridges does an impressive job with Christmas Lights I must admit, no shops in New York actually wowed me with their christmas displays or lights, but this looks elegant and not too "christmassy" which is probably why I like it.
Moving onto the food section. ABENO TOO. Some people hate this, *ahem* Maggie, but actually I really enjoy this place. It isn't the cheapest of places to go for Japanese food in London, but it is quite different. Sitting in front of a hot plate, it is mainly known for it's tepanyaki, meat cooked on the hot plate in front of you. Additionally they do dishes called okonomi-yaki which is pictured below, an egg dish mixed with whatever you want. Above is Om-Soba, this looks massive, but two of these shared between 6 people really isn't enough. (Well for me anyways, they all agreed they were full and I was secretly sobbing inside). If you don't like salty foods or noodles, avoid avoid avoid.
This is the okonomi-yaki. We went for a mix of pork, kimchi and prawn mix which yet again was quite salty, but that is asian cuisine for you. This was delicious, and the sauce on top is Mayonnaise, but this is optional with also a few extras that the cook asks you.
 After dinner I left these friends to go meet another friend, and guess what that means, ANOTHER LOCATION to eat. Typical. Above is just a little box of chocolates gifted.
Moving on to Muriel's Kitchen in Old Compton Street for dessert it was then. Carrot and Walnut cake, my favourite. Adults and kids who squirm at this because of the sight of the word carrot, fear not, it tastes nothing like a carrot. (Although carrots really don't taste that bad once you give them a chance). It was really good, £5 for a large slice isn't too bad, as it is a shareable size. The cream on the inside was so fresh and definitely made to a high quality. Recommended! It is also their "famous" cake so why wouldn't you want to give it a try? I ordered an Arizona Tea on the side, don't ask, it was the panicked first thing I saw on the menu so I'll order it drink.
The decor in Muriel's Kitchen is extremely nice too. It is homely, yet not too homely, it doesn't look old and dated, it's comfortable and outdoorsy. Definitely my kind of place, and free wi-fi. Can you complain?

Anyway, on my arrival back from New York, my love for cities has grown exponentially, and actually I feel I have missed out on what London city can offer. This evening gave me a refreshing set of eyes when looking at the beloved London town.

Life Lately #3

Friday, 19 December 2014

So the past two weeks has been a whirlwind. It's not been crazy, I have just been in different places constantly. But here is to a few weeks back, where I was finishing the last few weeks of term. It is crazy how fast University goes, and this will be my final autumn semester! Although most of these photos seem to consist of home, I guess I do return home more than I should still...
Brighton during Christmas is really beautiful, at any time of the year in fact. North Laine and the Laines in general is quite pretty, these pictures do not quite do the place justice. When the shops are opening and people everywhere, shops and cafes with their little displays outside, it makes it look that much better.
The most and possibly only annoying thing about Brighton is the one-way roads. It makes me sad seeing one way signs. I have lived here for so many years, and I yet sometimes I still fall into the trap of accidentally going down or up a one way road. That is what happens when the Green Party controls the area!
Back at home, some parts of Medway really do stand out from the rest. In my attempt to find bouldering locations, it led me to Arethusa (that supposedly has climbing walls and facilites, however there is no actual access.) So that failed, however it did lead us to this lovely little view.
Rochester High Street, during the Christmas with it's Christmas Markets and various little boutiques it gets quite busy, and actually looks quite pretty. The rest of the year it still looks okay, but it has a certain charm about it during the winter months.  

Home with my family consists of a lot of eating. A lot of eating out. On this occasion it was no exception. Here is my not so tiny little cousin attempting to stick a LARGE chinese spoon inside her nose. Classy little girl, I know.
 She's an eater, can you tell?
Again, what did I mention about eating? At the restaurant if it is not busy, I do a lot of eating. A little special concoction conjured up by the chef which is not on the menu. The perks of being in a restaurant huh (which I guess you can also see as disadvantages to somebody on a diet, oh the hard life)
To finish off here is a picture of the bi