The problem is, if you don't actually know where you want to go, and can't envision what kind of boss in what field. That is my dilemma right now.
I have simply become too comfortable in the student lifestyle and have too much choice. Choices are endless, I could continue my journey in education, or I could travel and see what countries have to offer, or I could just stay and search for a job, I could even just sit comfortably and help my parents. The endless choices make these next few months so much more difficult, but whilst I was going through this conventional 20year old crisis, I was reminded by my mother of a few things.
1. Time
I have endless amounts of time to choose what it is I really want to do, there is no restriction on time. If I don't like a job or career, you move. If you want to find a career path, go back into education. Time is actually on your side, there is nobody telling you you need to be on a particular path at a particular time.
2. Resources
I forget how lucky I really am, and my parents don't consciously try to remind me, but they are those heroins that just have the happy and lucky spirit that rubs off on you. On this occasion she verbally reminded me that they are always here to help. I can stay and do what I want, and be educated if I want to be. A lot of us have privileges like this and it is nice to be reminded.
3. Comparing Yourself Doesn't Put You In A Better Place
My mother is one of those people that loves money (she's Chinese, you really can't blame her) but she also reminds me that being happy isn't about how much money you have. Comparing yourself to what others have will also put you in an unhappy place. Finding a job doing something that you don't hate will make you a whole lot happier every morning than waking up with money.
These were the few things she reminded me of when I was going through my crisis. It is amazing what a few words can do for you and your entire day.
So if you are going through this exact same crisis, know there is a beginning and an end, and your journey is just beginning.
All bad things come to an end.
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