
Christmas 2014

Friday, 26 December 2014

I would say for the best part of my teen years I have spent EVERY Christmas Eve working for my parents. It really doesn't bother me as my family are all there, and sometimes not attending work means you are missing out rather than going. This particular Christmas was not any different. This time everybody just a little older and wiser. 
By now we are all very familiar with this face, and this is little Gracie! She loves a little pose, a little pout and to be centre of attention. The limelight is where she is supposed to be, constantly talking and eating.
I had to take the little moustache from her to have a little selfie moment of my own. Christmas Eve evening feast was not as exciting as it used to be! (Mainly because when you're 9 and waiting for your parents to return and letting you run around crazy till 5am was the idea of fun, now not so much)
So at 20 years of age, I have yet to have a traditional christmas dinner, but I guess this is tradition. HOT POT. Not my most favourite meal, but it does the job. It bonds people and is a chinese favourite, so why the hell not.
So the celebrations begin. Things are a little different now since we are all so grown! The youngest is 15 so we all gather and pretend to drink. There is less presents now and more talking as a family rather than adults vs children. It's an enjoyable catch up and this christmas was no exception.
Me and my twin of a sister. Soon to be a very different story. 
My cousin taking selfies and us being in the photo. How things definitely have changed since we were younger. I don't even think we have any images of christmas when we were younger!
And I am just one of those unphotogenic people, who do stupid faces at the wrong times, getting tired of taking a million pictures in a row!
 Brother and Uncle...... OH DEAR is right

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