
New York: Part 2

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

So I may have gone a little crazy with pictures in New York. As a tourist, and a lone tourist at that, it kind of is just what you do. So once again, here is a long post of pictures I took on Day 1. (This isn't even all of it)
I mean I couldn't not take a photo of the train line towards Long Island. Jersey Shores will understand why. The 15 year old me was extremely happy.
My first morning waking up in New York. My sister said she thought I woke up in the Bronx, fortunately no, this is just the Lower East Side near China Town. I stayed at The Bowrey House during my stay. I will review this hostel after these New York touristy posts.
Each morning I made my way out super early. Normally heading out around 7am-8am to start and make the most of the day. This first day was no exception. Also at my favourite place, getting off the subway at 14th Street, Union Square. I did get lost, but getting lost in a place like New York just brings you to even better places. That is when I stumbled across Strand Bookstore, one of the biggest in the world.

For brunch I headed to a very well known 24/7 brunch place near the University. Veselka, they offer full breakfast, healthy breakfasts, everything. It wasn't the cheapest of places, but worth a visit, maybe more if you are looking to spend some time with family and friends.
 How many drinks do they think a girl needs? 
My egg's benedict, so good. Not so sure about the potato/hash brown looking fried thing, a little too oily and extremely dry but the rest of it was very good. The poached eggs were delicious, but again the sauce that comes with it I would avoid personally. Very sweet! Safe to save I do like Veselka but not worth a second visit (unless I live there and fancy a 24 hour breakfast!)

After breakfast I headed to the Strand Bookstore that I stumbled across earlier. Walking around New York during December in 2 degree weather it really is TOO COLD. My face was just being blown off. The Strand Bookstore was such a nice little escape, I say little but I was in there for more than an hour and 1/2.
There was just so much to look at, some much to read, I didn't want to leave, I wanted to buy all the books I had picked up, but it just wasn't feasible.
Once again, I found refuge after walking around a little more around and found one of a million Starbucks in New York City. This one was a pretty nice one, nice and big and looking out onto the street. This one is located in Astor Place right by Soho.
In the end I soaked up the warmth and wifi in Starbucks and read my new book from The Strand called "The Art of Thinking Clearly" which you've guessed it, I have yet to finish. So far it is an interesting read, however it is very vague, it never really outlines how you can actually change your actions and thoughts, but rather the wrong things. I am only half way through the book, and I will continue it but it isn't the best I have read.

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