
Life Lately #3

Friday, 19 December 2014

So the past two weeks has been a whirlwind. It's not been crazy, I have just been in different places constantly. But here is to a few weeks back, where I was finishing the last few weeks of term. It is crazy how fast University goes, and this will be my final autumn semester! Although most of these photos seem to consist of home, I guess I do return home more than I should still...
Brighton during Christmas is really beautiful, at any time of the year in fact. North Laine and the Laines in general is quite pretty, these pictures do not quite do the place justice. When the shops are opening and people everywhere, shops and cafes with their little displays outside, it makes it look that much better.
The most and possibly only annoying thing about Brighton is the one-way roads. It makes me sad seeing one way signs. I have lived here for so many years, and I yet sometimes I still fall into the trap of accidentally going down or up a one way road. That is what happens when the Green Party controls the area!
Back at home, some parts of Medway really do stand out from the rest. In my attempt to find bouldering locations, it led me to Arethusa (that supposedly has climbing walls and facilites, however there is no actual access.) So that failed, however it did lead us to this lovely little view.
Rochester High Street, during the Christmas with it's Christmas Markets and various little boutiques it gets quite busy, and actually looks quite pretty. The rest of the year it still looks okay, but it has a certain charm about it during the winter months.  

Home with my family consists of a lot of eating. A lot of eating out. On this occasion it was no exception. Here is my not so tiny little cousin attempting to stick a LARGE chinese spoon inside her nose. Classy little girl, I know.
 She's an eater, can you tell?
Again, what did I mention about eating? At the restaurant if it is not busy, I do a lot of eating. A little special concoction conjured up by the chef which is not on the menu. The perks of being in a restaurant huh (which I guess you can also see as disadvantages to somebody on a diet, oh the hard life)
To finish off here is a picture of the bi 

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