I always try to stay motivated, I try to read motivational posts and quotes, when actually I am just procrastinating. The best way to stay motivated I have found is just to set mini targets. Lately I have been feeling so under the weather, about the future about the uncertainty and just general stress as a third year. Sometimes you just need a refresher and other's around you to remind you this isn't the end, the world doesn't end when you leave University without an immediate start at a job, or in the career everybody expects you to enter. So in order to stay motivated, I have set myself a few simple targets.
Lists I make every sunday evening outlining the things I will complete that week, they are not suggestions, but a list of must do, will do's.
So if you are lacking motivation, which is usually due to the mounting work you have to do, and because it seems so monstrous you just avoid it. To avoid this build up, split it into different tasks. Even with exercise it maintains true. Setting yourself mini targets rather than saying "I shall complete this 5000 word essay TODAY" just sounds too daunting.
So keep motivated by keeping lists and making targets. Hopefully this will help me and somebody else!
The daunting, seemingly never ending amount of work. Messy desk, doesn't do my brain any good either. But so the week begins, week 1 of setting those targets and making those lists!
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