
Blogtober #10

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Blogtober #10: I Never Thought Blogging Would
So this isn't personal, it can't be because blogging hasn't been a full time thing for me, only a part time hobby. By as an avid reader of bloggers it is amazing and exciting to seem them attract so much interest from all different types of media. The likes of Zoella and Tanya Burr make it such an exciting time to be involved in the blogging world.
I remember the days where we all used to have personal blogs, it was like a one up from a personal diary that we could access from anywhere where there was internet. I did it so regularly, except I always used to post my negative emotions, and I get that it can be beneficial to post that, but why focus on the negative. So I am glad that there is a massive platform for blogs now, because I love reading. I was one of those girls who bought 3 magazines every week, every monthly that was available that involved make-up and fashion, so to be able to read hundreds of different blogs around the world that encompass all of this, it is truly inspiring. 

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