Blogtober #3, One thing you cannot live without. So a thing, an object, a material possession. I would probably say minus the essentials e.g. water, is a book of paper. I mean it would be the only thing where you could actually have it and be able to do something with it without ANYTHING ELSE. Sure a computer would be fun, but without electricity you will not be able to use it. Also without a router you will not have the ability to go on the computer... so paper? People found a way to use things in the wild to write so I am sure I will find something to use. Besides this there is a lot of use with paper, wiping your bum being one of them haha. But also you can do origami, keeping you entertained but also being an essential.
What would you not be able to live without?
Be it living without it without ANYTHING else created or what in your opinion is ESSENTIAL to your daily life now?
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