Okay, so I have not exactly been keeping up with Blogtober, due to University commitments. I have been so busy just doing some reading, trying to get back into schedule as well as preparing for the future and trying my hand at a couple of new things, at the same time TRYING to stay social and see my friends and family. Here I am updating all in one. So here is #2.
Dream job when you were little/What is it now?
]I was only a little girl, and all little girls did were dream right? I was always one of those that wanted to a singer, a little dancer or in a dance group. I was the S Club 7 generation that wanted to be a part of the S Club Juniors. Me and my cousins used to dress up in the same outfits and did little performances for our parents, forcing them to watch us dance and sing badly.
When you grow up you soon realise to become one of these you actually need to have talent, and a little bit of passion and actually wanting to be in the spotlight.
As I have grown up these dreams have changed dramatically. First of all I hate being in the spotlight, so get me behind the curtains as quickly as possible. At the moment I do not have a dream job, there is no job which is that enticing to me that I believe that it is my "dream". Although becoming a full time blogger would be extremely fun and exciting as I enjoy travelling a lot, so travelling blogging, meeting new people would be a dream job I guess.
What was your dream job and what is it now?
It is funny how much your personality changes as you grow up, and with personality changes come a change of dreams and aspirations too.
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