
Blogtober #9

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Blogtober #9: Worst Halloween Memory #TBT
So I always seem to have bad memories with this person. But actually it just springs to mind, it is not a grudge I hold against any particular person, maybe just the particular person I was at the time. 
Here we are on Halloween, yes, what happened to dressing up I hear you say, I don't know either. But there is a little story behind this, I remember I did buy a costume for this year (maybe robin hood or something) however during this time I was a very insecure girl, I was constantly looking for reassurance, constantly scared of what somebody, others, even him, what they thought of me. I always wondered whether I was good enough, this was no exception. This year had been particularly hard for us, 2012, and it didn't get any easier as the year went on, and so for the worst halloween, this was probably it. Not because of any particular costume, but just the events and emotions. 

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