
Blogtober #17

Friday, 17 October 2014

Blogtober #17: I'm an expert at...
Hiding my feelings. I find it very difficult to speak to people about my feelings, not because I am afraid but more because my problems are never big, we all suffer from sadness sometimes, and sometimes I just find it hard to comprehend that mine should be put before anybody elses. 
The other thing is, when I am around somebody I just feel instantly a little happier, no matter how bad my day has been, I can always forget about it for that instance I am with another person. 
My mind just gets taken off it, and I remember how lucky I am, to have these people and my life.
It is so simple.
But to be honest I am actually not an expert at anything.
Here's a little reminder for the middle of the month. Remember you are lucky. 

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