
Blogtober #7

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Blogtober #7 Best/Worst Vacation:
Best Vacation:
 I would say my best vacation was the one I had last year, lengthy but not too long. 3 weeks I was with my family and also visiting friends. So it was a little of everything. It just made me very nostalgic and actually came at the perfect time. I needed some time away from England after a whirlwind year of changes and heading into my 2nd year of University I needed to just refresh my outlook on life. It was an amazing vacation, although I have been to Hong Kong plenty this was just a little extra special. I had time to reflect on myself and hang out with my family and friends as well as visiting all the places in Hong Kong that I had never seen before. It was fun and a nice little break.
It is always better when you are with your family and not having to pay for food too!

Worst Vacation:
This has got to be Venice. This was actually in the very same year. 2013. You are probably thinking I am crazy for not having a good experience here, however there were countless reasons. 
1. The weather, it was January so it was freezing cold (this however has its drawbacks as well as its benefits, we were told during the summer the canal gets super stinky!)
2. Personal problems, I just came to Venice with the wrong person, it would have been the right person at a different stage in our life but in that moment we were not the same as we had been before. Sometimes you can be with someone who you loved so much trying everything you can to rekindle it, but actually everything is not enough.
3. The food was just not my kind of food. As a foodie I love anything meaty, a protein type of girl, not carbs all the time. 
So overall, I don't think vacations can ever be so bad unless you are with the wrong person/people, so choose wisely who you spend your getaway relaxing time with. 

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