Blogtober #29: Most Embarrassing Moment
I have had a lot of these. I am just one of those people who always seem to find themselves in a socially awkward position.
Who slips on a kebab? Me apparently, in front of around 10+ of my friends.
Possibly the most embarrassing was farting in the library.
This was around 5am, our library is 24 hours from Sunday - Friday.
As a student you just find yourself waking up and walking around at ridiculous times in the morning.
During exam period, the library can get pretty busy, and people do go there at 5am in the morning.
Well.... as me and my friend were just casually walking around, being idiots, we find ourself in the silent area between the book shelves.
And without any control, I let out a fart.
I know girls don't fart, maybe I'm not a girl.
But that is beside the point.
At 5am in the morning, in the silent area, when my friend is following behind me I LET OUT A FART. It doesn't get anymore embarrassing than that. Apart from the fact that my "friend" is somebody who I had been seeing for around 3 months, DUDE, I am just cursed by the awkward lord.
Or maybe I am just the most awkward person, doing stupid things like this.
Pray for me.
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