
Blogtober #18

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Blogtober #18 Share A Secret About You
Secrets, where to begin. I think I am a person full of secrets, not because I have a lot to hide, just that I am a person who finds it hard to open up and just tell people. Do people really care about what is happening on in my life? 
One secret I guess is that at this time in my life I am a little bit of a commitment phobe. Only at this particular time of my life. Just because I feel like I have very little time, and maybe standards for guys that are a little too high. I have just recently been told this. 
As a 20 year old soon to turn 21 it is hard to find somebody who is at a similar stage in life as you, and yet not be too young and immature. So me being a commitment phobe is just me kind of keeping my guard up. It is sometimes easy to get lost in the idea that it would be nice to have somebody, but then you remember that that person will come along. 

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