My final day consisted of a little bit of rest and just some korean bbQ with my host family. However, as it was the last day I kept photos to a minimum, just spending time hanging out with the new friends I made and the family. Below are some lovely pictures they left on my phone so I'll "never forget them" haha, I miss these three already!
So nice to create a bond with these three so quickly because they are all so nice and genuine and I wish them all the best in their year abroad in Korea! I have been following up their tweets/facebook posts/instagrams and I can assure you they are having a blast.
This perfectly depicts our time together in Seoul, just laughing at everything and anything and at any inappropriate moment.
For the rest of the evening before my departure we played a traditional korean game with all the other guests. This game was so simple yet so difficult to master. You never know how difficult it is to speak and understand another language until you start having to explain a game/understanding game rules.
It is safe to say I helped my "korean team" win, because I was the only English person I had to be in the Korean team, but I did not mind one bit! It meant I was able to play with korean game veterans!
As the plane was landing into HK I realised I had come to the end of my journey. My internship and break in Korea was over. I was going back home. During this long period away from home I had many realisations and had learnt a lot of lessons. I did in a cliche way become a different person, a better one. One that was now more aware of myself and ready to take on the real world with more confidence. Through an internship and travelling alone it taught me we all have a voice. It is a voice that nobody can control but you, say whatever you want to say. If somebody does not agree, let them voice their opinion too. But it does not mean they are right. So speak, speak up and don't be scared of your voice.
And so that was the end of my journey. My life at home was about to begin again. Excited was not the right word because I was more than excited to be away from the heat, get in my car, have some freedom and enjoy some English food.
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